pet care

Hiring A Petsitter: Tips To Find Best Match For Your Pet
Are you planning to travel for business or vacation and are looking for someone to care for your pet while you’re gone? If so, a professional petsitter is a great option to consider. Although some petsitters care for pets in their home, the majority of sitters visit pets in the pet’s home. Many pets are […]
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Pet Winter Skin Care: 8 Tips To Protect Them From Cold
Winter wreaks havoc on our hair and skin, causing dryness and the dreaded static electricity. We aren’t alone in needing to take special care of our hair and skin in winter, our pets have special needs too. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We receive a small commission on goods purchased via these links, at […]
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Pet Halloween Costumes: Select Ones Safe/Comfortable
Due to changes in routine brought about by the continued impacts of COVID-19, Halloween trick or treating will be different in many locations. Although different, many pet guardians will dress their pets in costumes for home Halloween parties and virtual events to celebrate the holiday. There are some really cute and funny pet Halloween costumes […]
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Summer Pet Safety: Prepare Pets For Summer Heat
In the summer months it is natural to want to go outside and have fun. And, of course, your dog will want to join you. When they do, make sure to keep these summer pet safety tips in mind. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We receive a commission on goods purchased via these links […]
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Fourth of July Pet Safety: Fun Day For Us, Scary For Pets
Party Marty here! Taking a break from a well-deserved catnap! It’s almost time for that highly anticipated day of summer – the Fourth of July! Time to break out all those “F” bombs – family, friends, food, fun and fireworks! Gotta love it, right? Well, of course, if you are of the human kind, but […]
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Adventures In Pet Sitting: My Craziest Week Ever!
While pet sitting the last twelve years, I’ve had challenges occasionally. Water turned off in middle of summer, doors locked with no key for entry to name a couple. Never, though, have so many crazy problems occurred in the same week! Pet Sitting Adventure #1 The week began as any other, until I received a […]
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Don’t Let Winter Weather Deter You from Walking Dog!
So…the winter winds are continuing to blow. It’s cold outside. The last thing you probably want to do is go outside just to get the mail, let alone take a walk. However, just as physical fitness is good for you, it is also good for your dog. Walking your dog in winter can still add […]
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New Year’s Resolutions for You AND Your Pets
Have you set any New Year’s resolutions the new year? Pets need them, too! So, while you are contemplating losing weight, spending less money, and meeting whatever new goals you have set for yourself in the coming year, ponder these amazing pet New Year’s Resolution ideas, courtesy of! Of course, please note that some […]
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Fall Pet Care: Be Aware of Dangers To Keep Pets Safe
Many of you are excited about the changing seasons. As summer has slipped into autumn, we are all delighted with a veritable palate of color and emotion. The hot, sun-drenched days are replaced by cooler, crisp air, and thoughts of bon fires and comfy sweaters abound. All is well. However, make sure that your pet […]
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Pet Adoption: 10 Tips To Successfully Welcome New Pet
Pet adoption can be a great experience if handled the right way. Before adopting a pet, there are some steps you can take to make the experience a successful one. Check out these tips for pet adoption success: Ask yourself why you want a pet. Make sure you’re looking at pet adoption for the right […]
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