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New Year’s Resolutions for You AND Your Pets

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dog and cat together looking at camera for New Years resolutions

Have you set any New Year’s resolutions the new year? Pets need them, too! So, while you are contemplating losing weight, spending less money, and meeting whatever new goals you have set for yourself in the coming year, ponder these amazing pet New Year’s Resolution ideas, courtesy of!

Of course, please note that some of these apply to you and that your pet will require your assistance to meet these rather lofty goals!

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Measure Pet Food

Make it a habit to measure your pet’s food with each meal to avoid over-feeding him. No one wants to get a muffin top in the new year! Pet food measuring cup/clip combinations work great for dry food. For canned food, use regular measuring cups like this

Try a New Activity

Embark on a new outdoor activity with your dog, such as doga, hiking, or even kayaking. It is easier and easier now to incorporate your pet into your activities. It is a great way to bond, too!

Add Some Playtime

Incorporate more playtime into your cat’s routine, too, such as using wand toys and climbable cat trees – for the cat…not you!).

For dogs, puzzle toys provide them with a chance to use their scent skills to find goodies. One thing I discovered that my dogs love is a snuffle mat.  It’s a foldout mat that has a large area of hiding places for treats. It’s big enough both dogs can work on it at the same time without getting in each other’s way. The Poodle Pair loves it!

Make an Appointment with your Veterinarian

Stay on top of health issues and nip any problems in the bud.

Groom your Pet

You brush your hair daily…doesn’t your pet deserve the same? Schedule regular grooming appointments, or learn to groom your pet at home.

Practice Good Pet Oral Hygiene

Find cat and dog appropriate dental supplies to clean their teeth. Ask your vet about the appropriate supplies to use. Do not use regular human toothpaste on pet’s teeth, but rather toothpaste formulated for use on pets.

Update Pet Identification Information

Make sure it is accurate and complete!C For pets that are microchipped, ensure all information is current such is telephone number and home address. This can make a difference in reuniting with your pet in the event he/she is lost.

Committing to all or a portion of these New Year’s resolutions will keep you and your pets happier and healthier.

Thanks for hanging in there with us this year. It’s been difficult for us and our pets, but let’s do our best to work toward a better 2021.

Stay safe, stay healthy and we’ll see you next year!


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