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When Your Cat Looks in the Mirror, Does He See YOU???

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cat looking at humanParty Marty here! It’s Friday! It’s sunny! It’s warm! So, that begs the question: What am I doing here on this blog? I should be napping in the warm embrace of the sunshine! Well, I have come to realize just how much I mean to you…and that means a lot to me! So, I will indulge you with my wit and wisdom.

I am a curious cat with lots of fun, educational, insightful and, yes, sometimes meaningless, knowledge to share. Let today be no exception to any of that as it applies to your take away from this post.

According to, cats really do become a part of the family…some even get to the point where they take on human habits. Like me, for example…here I sit at the computer typing away with the dog at my feet. Love it. Cats will frequently adapt both the good and the bad behaviors of their humans. Sure, personality has some affect on the cat’s behavior (and, yes, I was born this amazingly cool!), but studies have shown a high influence of human behavior upon cats.

It’s no secret that cats are highly intelligent creatures. We know when naptime is; when mealtime is; and where you keep the treats. We know how to open a cabinet door that has been improperly closed, too, so not all treats are fully protected by you! We also know where our respective feeding and toileting areas are and we use them wisely…and on schedule! After all, we have adapted our behavior to practically mimic that of our humans. When you eat, we eat. When you sleep, we sleep. In fact, some studies have shown that some cats mimic their owners’ eating behaviors to the point wherein if the owner is obese, well….guess what? So is the cat! Interesting…

And, if you keep the litter box in your bathroom, it should come as no surprise that when you are in there “taking care of your business,” we might come in at the same time to do the same. We will often mirror what you do!

However, we do find ways to get you to adapt to OUR behaviors. For example, are you getting up early for YOU or for US? Do you change your schedule to accommodate our needs? Thought so! If you really want to learn something amazing from us, take a page from our book and learn how to relax and embrace the moment, breathing rhythmically with your eyes half-closed. Yeah…we got this meditation stuff down to a science. You should try it sometime. Why do you think so many of us are cool cats? And there is no charge for the lesson on inner peace and tranquility….just keep the treats and affection coming!



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