Author Archive: joyofliving

National Dog Day: Time to Break Out the Treats!
Yippie! It’s National Dog Day, time to celebrate! Time to dig in the dirt, run around the back yard, chew on a bone and pee in the house. Well, okay, probably not that last one, but everything else and then some! Why National Dog Day? Today – August 26th – is NATIONAL DOG DAY! You […]
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Playing With Your Dog: Fun Games To Fight Boredom
With quarantines, work from home options and winter weather such a big part of life right now, playing games inside with your dog can provide exercise for both of you. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We receive a small commission on goods purchased via these links, at no additional cost to you. Playing games […]
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Pet Adoption: 10 Tips To Successfully Welcome New Pet
Pet adoption can be a great experience if handled the right way. Before adopting a pet, there are some steps you can take to make the experience a successful one. Check out these tips for pet adoption success: Ask yourself why you want a pet. Make sure you’re looking at pet adoption for the right […]
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K9 Veterans Day: Honoring Those That Served Our Country
Approximately 3000 K9 veterans serve alongside our soldiers in the heat of battle and are dedicated warriors whose existence is often unrecognized. Fortunately, there has been a renewed interest in adopting these service dogs as they retire from their military careers. However, it can be quite costly, as the military does not always pay for […]
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Training Your Dog: What’s The Best Age To Start?
Years ago experts advised waiting for 6 months to a year old before training your dog. Methods have changed and are much more motivational than in the past. If you choose a trainer who uses motivational methods, 4 months of age is the optimal time for beginning formal training. Once a dog reaches the appropriate […]
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Puppy Training Mistakes To Avoid: Set Him Up For Success
For those families welcoming a puppy to the household, it’s important to start training early so the puppy will grow into a well-mannered dog. Following are some puppy training mistakes to avoid: Puppy Training Mistake #1: Focus On Negative Behaviors Owners often wait for a puppy to do something wrong and correct him rather than […]
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Foods To Share with Your Dog: 10 Snacks He’ll Love
Let’s face it….when you snack, your dog wants to snack. What is in your fridge is most likely far more appealing to him than what is in his dog food bowl. While many human foods are a strict “no-no” for your canine friends, there are several foods to share with your dog. Thanks to, […]
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Canine Vocabulary Words: Back-to-School Time To Brush Up!
It’s hard to believe school will be back in session in a few weeks! My, how time flies! Students across the nation will be heading back to class, eager to learn more and more every day. Even on this blog, our goal is to educate and entertain our readers. School is in full-swing year-round here. […]
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How to Communicate With Cats: No ESP required!
Marty’s spent some time observing dogs and humans interacting, and it always amuses him how dogs enjoy and understand such simple commands as “Sit;” “Stay;” “Down;” and “Fetch.” To communicate with cats, there’s a little more finesse involved. However, do you know how to communicate with your cat? Felines do tend to be a bit […]
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6 Ways to Show Your Cat You Love Him This Valentine’s Day!
Party Marty here! Love is in the air! Do you feel it? Of course you do, as I am in the house! It is Valentine’s Day, and this lovable cat wants to share what is on his heart with you today! February 14th is a great day to celebrate your pet….mainly, your cat! Of course […]
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