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The Common Signs of Aging in Your Dog

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Party Marty here! Did you miss me? It’s been a crazy week. Between the naps, the snoozing and the dozing, I have not had much time to get things accomplished. However, I am here today and that is what matters! Today’s topic? Signs of aging in your pet! Your puppy or kitty won’t be a baby for long and as the years fly by, you will want to be in tune to potential signs of aging in your beloved furry, four-legged friend. (I am such a cool cat, however, that time stands still with me!) So, courtesy of, here are some ways you can tell your pet has entered into the glorious afternoon of life!

Dogs typically become classified as “seniors” by the age of seven. Larger breeds tend to have a shorter lifespan than smaller dogs, however. When cats are seven years of age, that is the equivalent of 45 in human years. When they are 20, that would be synonymous to a 98-year-old human. Wow! The oldest recorded age on record for a cat is 34! For a dog, it is 29 years!

Some of the common signs of aging in a dog include tiring quickly; development of hearing or vision problems; graying hair; mental confusion; separation anxiety; elimination accidents in the house; and excessive vocalization.

When a dog’s brain begins to age, his need for sleep will increase; he will become more apathetic and disinterested in his surroundings; his activity will be less purposeful; he may exhibit anxiety through panting, moaning or shivering; and he may lose formerly acquired knowledge, including housebreaking habits.

Just because your pet is getting older is no reason to ignore him. Now, more than ever, he really needs your love and affection. After all, for how many years did he give that to you???


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