Talking Turkey Here! Pets and Thanksgiving Safety Tips!
Party Marty, the cool cat on the scene here to shed some helpful Turkey Day tips for you and your pets! The official ASPCA web site is a great resource for all sorts of information regarding the health and safety of your pets. They even have some great advice for keeping your pets safe this upcoming holiday […]
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Remembering A Friend
I lost a friend the other day, Jack, one of my clients, lost his battle with cancer Friday at the age of six. I nicknamed him the “devil dog”, not because he was a bad sort, but rather because of his devilish, mischievous sense of humor and adventure. Never one to let an open door […]
Continue ReadingYou’ve got to move it, move it! Time for pet exercises!
Chances are, you find it pretty challenging to roll out of bed each morning, grab your running shoes, and head out the door for a five-mile jog. However, you know regular exercise is good for you on so many levels. What about physical fitness for our pets? Is running through the house barking your head […]
Continue ReadingUnique dog facts, per Jessie
You know, I just cannot help but mention how unique canines are. Sure, the kitty litters can hold their own, but the dog world rocks! For example, do you even know how many breeds of dogs there are in this world? According to the World Canine Organization, there are 400 recognized breeds of dogs! Rock […]
Continue ReadingCat vs. Dog vs. Human….who wins?
If we pitted a cat against a dog or even against a human, which species might win? These fun feline trivia facts obtained from www.i-pets.com just might surprise you! (They would not surprise the cats, however. They already knew this stuff!) 1.) A cat’s brain is more similar to a human’s brain than to that […]
Continue ReadingA devout dog?
Back in the 1930s and 1940s in a small Midwestern town in the heart of America, a young family consisting of two boys, Mom, and Dad…and the family dog…regularly attended services at the local Methodist church. Yes! The dog attended services. He even had his own seat, most notably the best one in the house. […]
Continue ReadingThe good ol’ dog days of summer!
You have heard of “the dog days of summer,” right? Bet you didn’t know that expression has nothing to do with dogs. (Yeah, I know…we thought it did, too!) That expression actually dates back to Roman times, when they held the belief that Sirius, the Dog Star, added its heat to that of the sun […]
Continue ReadingWho is the Alpha Dog anyway?
My friend has two dogs….a five-year-old 37 pound Wheaten Terrier and a one-year-old 7 pound Yorkie-Poo. While the Wheaten is ever-protective of the household and has always ruled the roost, once this little Yorkie-poo moved in, all bets were off. It is funny to see how a mere 7-pound puupy can boss around a 37-pound […]
Continue ReadingLooking like a top dog!
The perfect feline or canine always needs to look his or her best at all times. After all, you never know who you might run into on your daily walk. Recently, there was talk on a day time talk show about getting braces for dogs. Huh? I can barely afford them for my own children, […]
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