Human Pet Connection

Tribute To Friends We Lost In 2017: Posh and Otis
As 2017 draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the good times, and to remember those loved ones we lost. This year, we lost two friends, Posh and Otis. Following is a tribute to each of them: Posh Posh was quite a girl. A rescued Sheltie, she was a bit slow to warm […]
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Dog Behavior: 5 Reasons Why Dogs Sit On Feet
There are many reasons dogs sit on feet. Is he pushy? A love bug? An anxious dog who doesn’t like to let his owner out of his sight? Let’s look at some common reasons our dogs sit on feet: Reasons Dogs Sit On Feet Dominance If you have a very dominant dog, he may sit […]
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Cat Behavior: Cat Secretly Plotting Against You Or Just Having Fun?
Even for those of us that consider ourselves cat lovers, there are aspects of cat behavior that can be considered confounding, at best. Cats are sometimes referred to as jerks online, their behaviors aren’t necessarily jerky, just misunderstood by us humans. The question I offer today is this: Does your cat secretly hate you? […]
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Dog Behavior: Your Dog Is Watching You
Ever notice your dog will steal food when you aren’t in the room? This dog behavior is known by many of us, but recent studies indicate there may be more to it than we realized. Background Studies conducted in 2009 by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology indicate dogs may use a higher […]
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Why Cats Arch Their Backs
Party Marty here! Your favorite blogging cat! Do you know what day it is????? It’s Friday! Woo hoo! My favorite day of the week! Of course, every day is my favorite, especially when it involves napping. You know me…so little to do and so much time to do it! While you have been busy preparing […]
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2016 Pet Names: Most Popular For Dogs and Cats
I found an article recently on showing the most popular 2016 pet names. Some of the names are the same for dogs and cats, but there are quite a few differences. The trend to name pets human names rather than the traditional Spot, Bowser or Fluffy continues. Interestingly, you will probably see some of these […]
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Tributes To My Friends: Audrey and Tippy
Of all the posts I write in a year, this is always the hardest, writing tributes saying good-bye to friends that have passed away during the year. In 2016, I lost two friends, Audrey the cat and Tippy the dog. These girls had a few things in common. Both were black, both were friends for […]
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Think Twice Before Giving Someone a Pet for the Holidays! We Have a Better Idea!
Thinking of giving a pet to someone this holiday season? While your heart may be in the right place, giving pets as gifts is not such a great idea! Why Pets As Gifts Is A Bad Idea Time and Money Commitment Adding a pet to a family is a big time and financial commitment. If […]
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Client Tribute: Good-Bye Ms. Tippy, You Will Be Missed!
The hardest part of being a pet care provider is the passing of a longtime client. Unfortunately, this post is a tribute to a longtime dog walking client, Tippy (I nicknamed her TipTop), that passed away this morning. I met Tippy about three years ago. She was a black Pomeranian, lots of attitude wrapped up […]
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Just Because You WANT a Dog Doesn’t Mean You Should GET a Dog!
Puppies, dogs, pets, furry four-legged friends! After all, how can you resist those adorable puppy or kitten eyes, cute tail and all of the fun? Sure, dogs and cats are great! Simply because you are attracted to the idea of getting a dog or cat, doesn’t mean pet ownership would be a good idea for […]
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