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Human Pet Connection

Change A Pet’s Life Day: How You Can Help

Change A Pet’s Life Day: How You Can Help


Today is Change A Pet’s Life Day.  This day was established to bring focus to pet adoption, the plight of homeless pets, and inform people on ways to help. Want to help but aren’t sure what you can do?  Check out these suggestions: Ideas To Change A Pet’s Life Adopt I’m a huge advocate of […]

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  January 24, 2020   No comments
Pet Friendly Colleges: Not As Many As You Might Think

Pet Friendly Colleges: Not As Many As You Might Think


According to a recent article, in a poll of 1,000 colleges and universities across the country only 4% of those polled permitted students to bring pets with them to the dorm. For those pet friendly colleges, rules and guidelines vary from campus to campus. Review College Pet Policy In Advance Some pet friendly colleges […]

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  August 7, 2018   No comments
How to Communicate With Cats: No ESP required!

How to Communicate With Cats: No ESP required!


Marty’s spent some time observing dogs and humans interacting, and it always amuses him how dogs enjoy and understand such simple commands as “Sit;” “Stay;” “Down;” and “Fetch.” To communicate with cats, there’s a little more finesse involved. However, do you know how to communicate with your cat? Felines do tend to be a bit […]

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  June 4, 2018   No comments
Love Your Cat: Add Extra Touches to His Day

Love Your Cat: Add Extra Touches to His Day


Cats love their people. They are not immune to those loving and thoughtful extra gestures that will keep their loyalties focused upon us. And the best part? It doesn’t really take much effort on your part to love your cat a little extra once in a while! Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  We receive […]

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  February 20, 2018   No comments