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Author Archive: Joy of Living

Adventures In Pet Sitting: My Craziest Week Ever!

Adventures In Pet Sitting: My Craziest Week Ever!


While pet sitting the last twelve years, I’ve had challenges occasionally.  Water turned off in middle of summer, doors locked with no key for entry to name a couple.  Never, though, have so many crazy problems occurred in the same week! Pet Sitting Adventure #1 The week began as any other, until I received a […]

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  March 2, 2021   No comments
5 Mistakes To Avoid When Walking Your Dog

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Walking Your Dog


Spring is just around the corner! Many people are outside with their dogs, walking the neighborhood trails and playing catch with them! To get the most enjoyment from walking your dog, here are some common mistakes to avoid: Playing Follow the Leader Allowing your dog to lead the way on a walk sends him the […]

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  February 23, 2021   No comments
New Year’s Resolutions for You AND Your Pets

New Year’s Resolutions for You AND Your Pets


Have you set any New Year’s resolutions the new year? Pets need them, too! So, while you are contemplating losing weight, spending less money, and meeting whatever new goals you have set for yourself in the coming year, ponder these amazing pet New Year’s Resolution ideas, courtesy of! Of course, please note that some […]

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  December 31, 2020   No comments