Author Archive: Joy of Living

Are You Reinforcing Your Dog’s Unwanted Behavior?
Last night, I was approached by a dog owner that was exasperated about …
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Adventures In Pet Sitting: My Craziest Week Ever!
While pet sitting the last twelve years, I’ve had challenges occasionally. Water turned off in middle of summer, doors locked with no key for entry to name a couple. Never, though, have so many crazy problems occurred in the same week! Pet Sitting Adventure #1 The week began as any other, until I received a […]
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5 Mistakes To Avoid When Walking Your Dog
Spring is just around the corner! Many people are outside with their dogs, walking the neighborhood trails and playing catch with them! To get the most enjoyment from walking your dog, here are some common mistakes to avoid: Playing Follow the Leader Allowing your dog to lead the way on a walk sends him the […]
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Don’t Let Winter Weather Deter You from Walking Dog!
So…the winter winds are continuing to blow. It’s cold outside. The last thing you probably want to do is go outside just to get the mail, let alone take a walk. However, just as physical fitness is good for you, it is also good for your dog. Walking your dog in winter can still add […]
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Single Dog Mom? Time to Celebrate Your Valentine Dog!
Valentine’s Day can be a bummer for those that are single, but don’t forget to celebrate the best Valentine of all, your dog! Here are some items that celebrate being a single dog mom: Dog Mom Hoodie This turquoise hoodie says it all. Being a dog mom is the best relationship ever. Our dogs are […]
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6 Tell-“Tail” Signs Your Dog Loves You!
Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us once again. Whether or not you have true love in your life, if you have a dog, then that just might be all the love you need! These lovable creatures are never at a loss for expressing their love to their owners. Here are six signs your dog loves […]
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New Year’s Resolutions for You AND Your Pets
Have you set any New Year’s resolutions the new year? Pets need them, too! So, while you are contemplating losing weight, spending less money, and meeting whatever new goals you have set for yourself in the coming year, ponder these amazing pet New Year’s Resolution ideas, courtesy of! Of course, please note that some […]
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Have a Pet Safe Christmas: No Gifts Under Christmas Tree
Even though it looks nice and festive to have gifts wrapped and under the tree, for a pet safe Christmas, no gifts under the tree until ready to open them. Some holiday gifts can pose a health threat to your pets. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We receive a small commission on goods purchased […]
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Peanut Butter: It’s Ok For Dogs, But Feed In Moderation
YES! Even vets recommend it, especially when you need to hide a pill in something tasty. Gourmet doggy bakeries make all kinds of incredible dog cookies using peanut butter, not to mention many beautiful cakes for dogs feature it in their recipes. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We receive a small commission on goods […]
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Dog Birthday Party: Something To Take The Cake!
We like to celebrate our birthdays, and pet birthdays are a special occasion too. Have you wanted to have a dog birthday party, but are at a loss on what to do about a cake? If you’re running short on time, or missing a couple of ingredients to bake a cake from scratch, I’ve found […]
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