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It’s Time to Break Out the Leash and Go for a Walk. But, First, We Offer Some Handy Dandy Tips!

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Jessie, the adorable dog, here to dish on how you can enjoy a successful walk with your dog.  Now that spring has officially sprung, the warm and sunny days are begging us to get back out there and enjoy some time in the great outdoors!

Now is the perfect time to get yourself and your dog back into shape. This is a great time to go for a walk! So, lace up your sneakers, grab the leash and head out the door for some fun in the sun with your pooch.

To help you get started and to enjoy a more relaxing time together, I have a few tips to share with you when it comes to walking with your dog, thanks to  Keep these in mind before you head out the door so you can take full advantage of your refreshing walk together.

  • Be sure to walk in front of your dog. In doing so, you establish yourself as the pack leader. You should be the first one out the door and the first one back in. While on the walk, your dog should be behind you or, at the very least, beside you.
  • Use a short dog leash. This allows for greater control. Be sure to attach the leash to the top of the neck so that you can readily communicate, guide and correct your dog as needed.
  • Give yourself ample time for the walk. Walking in the morning is the best time and consider walking for 30 minutes up to an hour.
  • To reward your dog during the walk, give him opportunities to sniff around and take care of any business. Do not focus heavily on this aspect, however. Keep your focus on the walk. Of course, please be sure to pick up after your dog, if you know what I mean!
  • Even after the walk, continue to assert yourself as the pack leader. Never stop leading. Make sure your dog patiently waits while you put away his leash or take off your shoes.
  • After the walk, be sure to reward your dog. And always have plenty of water on hand!
  • As with any exercise program for you and your dog, consult with your doctor (for you!) and your veterinarian (for your dog!) first!



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