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Hospitality Industry Partnership for Pets

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I  love it when I find out about new and creative ways organizations are finding to help homeless pets.  The November issue of Dog Fancy features an article on Hospitality Industry Partnership for Pets.

The initiative was started by Scott Chapman, a 20 year veteran in the hospitality industry.  Chapman says a 500-room hotel can discard as many as 6000 old, worn and ripped towels per year!  Although a few are cut up and used for cleaning rags, most are shipped to the nearest landfill.

Donating these items to animal shelters in the area helps them provide bedding for pets waiting to be adopted that would otherwise be sleeping on bare floors in many cases.

I went out and looked at the website,, and there are several shelters and rescues in my area registered.  If you’d like to register your shelter/rescue group, provide donations, or volunteer, check out


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