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What if You Should Predecease Your Pet?

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The Spirit of Bo, returning to enlighten my readers: Although I have been gone for awhile now, I hope I am never out of mind. Jessie and Marty are doing well with this blog, but sometimes I just have to make an unexpected appearance.  Since my passing, I have been busy looking over Jessie, Marty, and my human Karen. I thought this blog post would be a fitting one from me, as it speaks to what could happen to your pet(s) should you predecease them.

A good rule of thumb is to carry an animal card with you. If you are injured or die suddenly, this card will alert medical personnel or anyone taking care of you that you have a pet that needs food, water, and attention back home. The card should include information as to your pet’s name, the kind of pet, where the pet is, and any special instructions as to the care of your pet. It is also advisable to list the contact information for your veterinarian on the card.

If you want to provide for your pet’s care after your death, consider naming a human beneficiary who can receive funds to care for and cover your pet’s expenses after your death. Of course, be sure to discuss this with the named beneficiary to make sure he or she is agreeable to it.

While it is not always easy to think about death, being prepared for the unexpected helps!  (Besides, I bet you didn’t expect me to show up today, did you?)

Thanks to for this helpful information!


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