Pet Wellness

Obesity in Pets: A Weighty Topic of Discussion!
Jessie, the dog who always looks her best no matter what the hour of day or occasion: It’s no surprise that Americans are getting bigger. Obesity is running high these days, which is kind of funny, because if something is running, shouldn’t it be skinny? At any rate, obesity is not just reserved for humans. […]
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Biggie: A Small Dog With A Big Weight Problem
Last night, I tuned in to the newest episode of the CBS show, Dogs in the City. Justin Silver, star of the show, works with dog owners and their dogs on a variety of health and behavior issues. One segment, the story of Biggie, was especially interesting. Biggie was a 4 year old Puggle (Pug/Beagle […]
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10 Questions To Ask Your Vet About Your Pet’s Medication
When your vet prescribes medication for your pet, it’s important to be well informed so your pet gets the maximum benefit. Here are ten questions you should have the answers to before giving the first dose to your pet: How should it be stored? Does it need to be refrigerated? Kept away from light? What […]
Continue ReadingOld Dogs Can Learn New Tricks
This weekend, I had pet sitting visits with Bailey, an 11 year old Labrador Retriever. He’s 11, considered a senior citizen in dog years but as I’ve come to find out, he’s got lots of energy and CAN definitely learn new tricks! We went for walks on each of our three visits. He’s a quick […]
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Removing a Tick from Your Pet
Party Marty here with some tips on how to safely and efficiently remove a tick from your pet’s skin. Nasty little pests, they are! It is important to remove a tick quickly, but do not rush the procedure as you could do more harm than good. Upon removing a tick (with tweezers or a pet-approved […]
Continue ReadingPlease Don’t Touch a Cat There!
Party Marty here to dish on the tip of the day. Love cats? They will love you right back if you pet them correctly. The main rule of thumb is to let them sniff your hand first and then gently rub the palm of your hand down their back from the top of their head […]
Continue ReadingIs Mother’s Day Deadly to Cats? It Can Be….
Party Marty with an important warning about Mother’s Day! My buddy Bolt, the Yorkie-Poo, just called me to let me know that one of the humans in his house bought the other human some stargazer lilies for Mother’s Day. The clerk at the store asked the person, “Do you have cats?” He asked why and […]
Continue ReadingHelping “Flat-Faced” Dog Breeds Enjoy Summer
Summer is the time to get out and about with your dog, but for brachycephalic or “flat-faced” breeds like pugs or bulldogs, the warmer weather can pose serious health risks. Here are some ways to help your dog through the warm weather and still have fun: Walk your dog in the early morning and evening […]
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Help Your Pet Reduce His Carbon Pawprint
With Earth Day coming up tomorrow, there is a lot of focus on taking care of the environment. Here are some ways you and your pet can help: Disposing of pet waste. It’s estimated dogs in the US produce 10 million tons of waste, cats 2 million. For dog waste, plastic bags do not decompose in landfills. Using biodegradable bags, […]
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Texting and Driving – Big No-No; Spot in Your Lap While Driving? Just as Dangerous?
Party Marty, the cool cat supposedly smarter than the dog in the house: Hey! I came across an interesting article online this week at We all know how dangerous driving and texting can be, but what about those drivers who let their dogs sit on their laps when they drive? That has to be […]
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