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pet behavior

Keeping the Peace In a Multiple Cat Household

Keeping the Peace In a Multiple Cat Household


Having multiple cats can be fun but it also has its challenges.  Following are ten tips to maintain order and keep all the feline residents purring: If you have one cat currently and are now adding another, choosing a new cat of the opposite sex can reduce fighting among them. If your current cat is […]

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  April 12, 2012   No comments
Chip Bags Can Be Deadly

Chip Bags Can Be Deadly


I just finished reading a story on the site of a woman whose dog suffocated because of a mylar potato chip bag. It seems Blue was quite a mischievous fellow, escaping when he got the chance or getting into the trash when his people were gone.  One day, while his mom was at the […]

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  April 10, 2012   No comments