Author Archive: Joy of Living

New Simon’s Cat Video: Catnap
I adore the Simon’s Cat videos, here’s the latest, Catnap. Enjoy!
Watch VideoGifts For Your Pet
Focus is on shopping, shopping and more shopping this weekend. If you’re looking for the right gift for your dog, check out this list of the Best New Products of 2011 selected by Dog Fancy Magazine: Yummy Travel Bowls. Allows you to store, transport and feed your pet without the mess. $39.99 from sleepy […]
Continue ReadingNow that the Thanksgiving feast is over…
Party Marty here, barely moving, as even thinking is an effort at this point. Boy! I don’t know about you, but I sure made the most out the Thanksgiving feast today. I can give new meaning to the term “fat cat,” if onlytemporarily! I am just laying here, half asleep at the computer keyboard. Just […]
Continue ReadingA Thanksgiving Story Starring the Family Dog
I found this story online and liked it a lot so thought I’d share……. The dining room table is set with the good china and a lovely floral centerpiece. The buffet island practically groans under the weight of all the delicious dishes that my mother-in-law, Nancy, has prepared. Mashed potatoes heaped high with a dab […]
Continue ReadingFunny Pet Picture of the Week
Here is this week’s entry. I created it using a fun iPad app called Mixel. I’ve dubbed this band Purr-fection.
Continue ReadingCats and Table Scraps Don’t Go Together
Jessie, the adorable dog who knows more than the cat around here: Hi! I am back on the scene. I have been laying low for awhile, but now that the holidays are in full swing, I decided to speak my mind and enjoy the results! So, in preparation for the first big feast of the […]
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The Man Behind Simon’s Cat
Here’s a short video about the latest in the Simon’s Cat book series…..
Watch VideoHospitality Industry Partnership for Pets
I love it when I find out about new and creative ways organizations are finding to help homeless pets. The November issue of Dog Fancy features an article on Hospitality Industry Partnership for Pets. The initiative was started by Scott Chapman, a 20 year veteran in the hospitality industry. Chapman says a 500-room hotel can […]
Continue ReadingTalking Turkey Here! Pets and Thanksgiving Safety Tips!
Party Marty, the cool cat on the scene here to shed some helpful Turkey Day tips for you and your pets! The official ASPCA web site is a great resource for all sorts of information regarding the health and safety of your pets. They even have some great advice for keeping your pets safe this upcoming holiday […]
Continue ReadingFunny Pet Picture of the Week
This is usually our feature on Wednesday, but unforeseen circumstances delayed it a day… here you go…..a little catnapping Photo from
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