Author Archive: Joy of Living

When the Cat Needs Ear Plugs!
Marty Party, the inquisitive cat with the inquiry of the day: WHY DO DOGS NEED SQUEAKY TOYS? It drives me crazy. All I want to do is rest under the window in the embrace of the warm rays from the sun, when out of nowhere comes this irritating squeaky noise. I thought I had destroyed […]
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The Year of the Dragon
Today marks the Chinese New Year, 2012 is the Year of the Dragon. Good news for those thinking of starting a new business, the Dragon years are lucky for anyone thinking of starting a business or initiating a new project. Money is easier to come by for everyone, whether it’s earned, borrowed or received as […]
Continue ReadingAnswer Your Cat’s Questions Day
Today is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day, and I have to admit my guy Marty presented me with some interesting ones. Here’s his list: Why don’t all humans adore cats and have at least one living with them? Why don’t humans have tails? Why do humans get in boxes with water to clean themselves? Why […]
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When Mere Words Are Not Enough…
Jessie, the compassionate dog (at least when Party Marty, that darned cat, is not around!): Sometimes, a picture says way more than mere words can. I just had to post this today. I don’t know to whom credit should be given for the photo, but I trust it will be appreciated by many posting it […]
Continue ReadingGuest Post: Becoming A Pet Photographer
I admire Jennifer Hague’s work at Fix Your Images and asked her to write a guest post about her journey to becoming a pet photographer. Following are her thoughts, along with a few of her favorite photographs she’s taken. Enjoy! I studied Journalism and graduated from the University of Central Missouri in 2003. I always […]
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Funny Pet Picture of the Week
This week, it’s actually a video. My work is cool because somebody is always happy to see me. I took this video today of Reg and Max, who are very excited about getting out for a walk!
Watch VideoNo Wonder Cats are so Cool!
The Spirit of Bo, returning to share some amazing cat trivia to let you know why cats are known to be cool: Yes, it has been just over a year since I left this earthly plane, but I still remain as an angel to those I left behind. Besides, do you really think I’d let […]
Continue ReadingWhat’s In A Name-Top 10 Dog & Cat Names of 2011
Is your dog or cat sporting the same name as many others on the block? Check out the lists of top 10 dog and cat names of 2011: Top Dog Names of 2011 Bella Max Buddy Daisy Bailey Lucy Molly Coco Charlie Rocky Top 10 Cat Names of 2011 Kitty Tiger Bella Kitten Smokey Max […]
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Does Your Dog Over-Eat?
Party Marty on the scene, always looking out for the dogs in my life! We recently had an inquiry from a friend who is concerned that her dog over-eats. While her dog is not fat, she thinks that the over-eating is stress and anxiety-related. As such, I put on my detective hat to see what […]
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