The Year of the Dragon
Posted on January 23, 2012 by Joy of Living No comments

Today marks the Chinese New Year, 2012 is the Year of the Dragon. Good news for those thinking of starting a new business, the Dragon years are lucky for anyone thinking of starting a business or initiating a new project. Money is easier to come by for everyone, whether it’s earned, borrowed or received as a gift.
This Chinese New Year 2012 ushers in the Water Dragon. Water exerts a calming influence on the Dragon’s innate fire. Water Dragons are more open to other people’s opinions than other Dragons which gives them the ability to channel their personal charisma into real leadership qualities.
People born under the Dragon are passionate, brave and self-assured. Dragons in general are blessed with good fortune. They are smart, enterprising and have a wicked sense of humor. They have a natural flair for fashion and are the people to consult if you want to catch up on the latest trends.
Famous celebrities born in under the Dragon include John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Al Pacino, Marlene Dietrich and Matt Dillon.
Happy and prosperous Chinese New Year!
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