Be Sure Your Pet Buckles Up
Posted on December 13, 2011 by Joy of Living No comments

Are you planning to drive to a family holiday gathering, and take your pet with you? If so, check out these tips to ensure safe arrival for you and your pet:
- Although dogs love to stick their heads out the window while you’re driving, it can be dangerous due to flying debris that can injure their eyes.
- Feed your pet several hours before you’re set to leave. This will help prevent your pet from getting carsick.
- Don’t leave your dog in a parked car. It can get quite cold very quickly and leave them at risk for being stolen.
- Be sure to stop periodically for potty breaks (every 3-4 is a good interval). This is a chance for you to stretch your legs and give your dog a chance to go potty. Make sure your dog is on a leash before opening the car door to let him out.
- Pets should ride in the back seat, either in a harness or attached to the seat belt. Regardless of your dog’s size, there are many options available to secure or restrain your pet including: harnesses, carriers, pet car seats and vehicle barriers.
Stay safe and enjoy the holidays with your family and your pet!