Words of Advice Before Traveling with Your Pet
Posted on July 2, 2015 by Joy of Living No comments

Bolty Bo, the adorable Yorkie Poo guest blogger, filling in for Party Marty who discovered that Saturday, Sunday and five extra days were not enough days to rest up after a long week last week! Hi! Long time, no chat! Now that summer is in full swing, I am sure many of you are making plans for that annual summer vacation. While some of you may opt to leave your pet in the care of a trusted pet sitter like the folks at Joy of Living, others may want to take their pet(s) along for the fun. If you are in the latter group, here are some great tips from the avma.org web site that will make your trip a bit more relaxed and enjoyable.
**First of all, ask yourself if bringing your pet on your vacation is the right thing to do. Will you be too busy to even give your pet attention or can your pet join in on some of the fun activities?
**Of course, if you do decide to take your pet along for the ride, make sure he is welcome at all places within your journey. It’d be horrible to get to your hotel and realize it is not a pet-friendly establishment!
**If you are crossing state lines, you will need to get a health certificate, a/k/a a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, from your veterinarian within 10 days of when you plan to travel. Consider this a pet passport of sorts when visiting other states.
**Make sure you know where to find a veterinarian en route and at your destination in case of any emergencies that might arise.
**Be sure your pet has full identification on him.
**When traveling in your car, restrain your pet properly, either via a pet harness or in a carrier. Discuss with your vet the safest means by which to do this. And by all means, make sure that your pet is used to the type of restraint you will use before you take off on your adventure.
**It is important to make frequent stops for potty breaks. And also be sure to have some fresh water and food on hand.
**And never forget to bring along any medications your pet may need.
**And if you are going to the beach, please call me. If you have extra space, I’d love to tag along!