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Want to Save Money on Pet Food? Get Rid of the Cat! (Just Kidding – There Are Better Ways!)

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Jessie, the consumer conscious dog, dishing on ways to save money on pet food:

Let’s face it. Times are tough for a lot of people. I am no exception! I have to pinch pennies and tighten the purse strings on occasion, too!  And when it comes to having a pet, there are certain expenses required. It can’t be easy for humans to own a pet from a financial perspective, despite the fact that the return on your investment is unconditional love for life!

Did you know that the American Pet Products Association reported that, in 2001, Americans spent $50.96 billion on their pets and $19.85 billion was on pet food????? Well, here are some ways you can save money when purchasing pet food.

In addition to buying pet food in bulk, using store circulars to find the best deals each week and by clipping coupons from the weekend paper or even joining retailer clubs to get full advantage of sales, you can also do a few other things to keep more money in your bank account…

  • Make sure your pet enjoys a better diet. Sure, those premium brands of pet food cost more money, but you end up feeding your pet smaller portions and they stay fuller longer. In the long haul, you will end up purchasing less bags of pet food each year.
  • Ensuring your pet enjoys a healthy diet saves you money in other ways.  A healthier pet means less visits to the veterinarian and less potential problems will illness and diseases, which, as you know, don’t come cheap!
  • Find great online venues to clip coupons, such as, and  Even those downloadable mobile apps like Coupon Clipper and Coupon Sherpa often offer pet food savings.
  • Get cash back!  If you use a credit card that offers cash back saving, use it to buy pet food. The more you spend, the more rewards you received. However, just make sure you can pay your bill in full at the end of the month to make those savings truly count!

Be sure to visit for more handy-dandy tips. And if you really want to save money on pet food….get rid of the cat! (Just kidding, Party Marty!….sort of!)



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