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Want to be Healthier and Happier? Observe Your Dog!

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Jessie, the compassionate and concerned canine:  Happy Friday!  If you are one of the potential millions of people across this country who will be affected by the impending winter storm this weekend, I hope this blog post will bring a little sunshine and inspiration to your life. Like you, I am tired of this cold, wet, and dreary winter weather and am ready for spring to announce itself!

Until then, I wanted to let you know that you….yes, YOU….can be as good as your dog! “What?” you say. “Why do I need to be as good as my dog?”

Well, we always observe our human counterparts and have come to realize that if you would adopt a few of our habits, you might realize a happier and even healthier life.  Read on…

  • We can start the day without caffeine. Can you?
  • We don’t complain or bore others with our troubles and problems.
  • We can eat the same food every day and be grateful for what we have.
  • We can overlook the fact that frequently our loved ones are too busy to spend time with us.
  • We don’t take our anger out on those we love.
  • We  accept your friends for who they are and never criticize them.
  • We never lie, cheat or steal. (Okay – that left shoe you discovered half-chewed under the couch? My bad! I honestly thought it was a toy for me!)
  • We can relax without alcohol or drugs.
  • We do not judge others with regard to color, creed, religion or politics.

So, if you want to be as healthy (and as happy without all that stress!) as your dog, why not see things from our perspective?  It will bring you a whole new world!

Thanks to for this insightful information!


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