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Think Twice Before Using a Retractable Leash on Your Dog!

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Party Marty here! TGIF!  Yep! Another week has come and gone and another week of successful napping is under my belt!  However, I have awakened briefly to amaze, entertain, delight and astonish my weekly audience.  Today’s topic?  Retractable leashes … for dogs … not cats … we do not require such things! And thank goodness for that! I can walk myself, thank you!

So … from what I have learned this week from my online research is that retractable leashes are probably not the best things for your dog. In fact, they can present certain dangers … and here are a few reasons why…

**Because the cords on retractable leashes are long – sometimes up to 26 feet in length – the dog can get far enough away from his owner to invite danger. For example, he could run out into a busy street or run upon people or other dogs, making uninvited contact.

The thin cord on a retractable leash can easily break, especially when there is a powerful dog on the other end of it. Not only can that put the dog in danger and whatever he might be chasing in danger, but should the cord break, it could snap back and injure you.

Sometimes the dog walker can get tangled up in the cord of a retractable leash, or in an attempt to grab it to reel in the dog, it can result in burns and cuts. There have also been cases of a human falling down as the result of a dog that reaches the end of the cord, yet keeps running.

Some dogs have also been injured as a result of a sudden jerk on their neck that happens when they out run the length of the leash. This could result in neck wounds, spinal injuries and lacerated tracheas.

Many dogs – especially the more fearful ones – may be afraid of the sound of a dropped retractable leash and make take off running. At that time, the dog may think the leash is “chasing” him and will not be able to escape it.  The end result is a dog that is afraid of retractable leashes or any kind of leash.  Worse yet, the dog may begin to fear even going on walks.

So, unless you have a perfectly behaved dog that can handle both a regular leash and a retractable one without being confused by the two, it is probably best just to stick with a regular leash. Or, just get a cat.  No leash required!

Thanks to for this helpful information!


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