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pet adoption

Change A Pet’s Life Day: How You Can Help

Change A Pet’s Life Day: How You Can Help


Today is Change A Pet’s Life Day.  This day was established to bring focus to pet adoption, the plight of homeless pets, and inform people on ways to help. Want to help but aren’t sure what you can do?  Check out these suggestions: Ideas To Change A Pet’s Life Adopt I’m a huge advocate of […]

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  January 24, 2020   No comments

Blogger’s Unite For Dog Adoption


Today, bloggers worldwide are writing to educate readers about pet adoption.  According to statistics from the Humane Society of the United States, only about 20% of dogs come from adoption, the remaining 80% come from other sources.  Many people that purchase a dog from a pet store are unaware the dog may very well have […]

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  July 23, 2012   No comments
Know Your Limitations

Know Your Limitations


Sometimes we don’t know how bad a situation is until someone from the outside points it out to us.  Such was the case with Christine, one of the pet owners on last night’s Dogs in the City episode. Christine was in her mid-30’s (give or take a few years), going through a divorce and had […]

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  July 5, 2012   No comments

Save A Life Today


After my beloved tabby boy Bo died January of last year I didn’t know if or when I would adopt another cat.  I adored Bo, and the bond we shared was so special I didn’t think there would even be a remote chance of another cat coming into my life. As luck would have it, […]

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  June 5, 2012   No comments