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School is in Full Swing Now. Are You Up-to-Speed on Your Cat Facts Knowledge?

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The Spirit of Bo, here to reign supreme with fun and interesting facts about cats. Now that school is in session for most kids, I decided it was a good time to share some interesting facts about cats and to further educate those among us who adore and idolize their feline companions. I learn something new every time I do research on cats, and I hope you will, too! (And thanks to for helping me out here!)

**When it comes to pets, cats outrank dogs. There are 10 million more cats kept as pets than canines.

**Every cat carries the Tabby gene.

**Most adult cats do not have the enzyme that allows them to digest milk.

**Cats prefer to dine on food that is at body temperature…the temperature of freshly killed prey!

**After successfully hunting for and capturing its prey (such as a mouse or a toy), many cats perform a tension-releasing dance. Supposedly, it builds self-esteem and confidence in the cat.

**When cats drink water, their tongues curl under and that is how they scoop water into their mouths.

**Cats rely on their whiskers to give information about the prey they stalk.

**A cat’s whiskers are so sensitive that they can detect the slightest changes in air pressure or air currents. This gives them a radar at night and can also alert to them to an incoming storm.

**Cats have 244 bones in their bodies, as opposed to 206 in the human body. They have 60 vertebrae and almost 20 of those bones are located in the tail for flexibility.

**And talk about flexibility…cats have 517 muscles which allow them to move the front and rear parts of their bodies in opposite directions.

**Each ear on a cat is operated by 32 muscles and can turn 180 degrees. Sorry, humans, you only have six muscles there!

**Cats can tolerate temperatures up to 124 degrees.

**From a stand still position, a cat can jump five times the length of its body.

**Cats can see 280 degrees around peripherally but since they are far-sighted, they cannot see well up close.

**And apparently some cats can write a blog, such as Party Marty, who has chosen to sleep this one out. And, for the record, a healthy mature cat will spend about 15% of its life in deep sleep; 50% in light sleep; and just 30% of its time awake. Cats attain full alertness, however, much quicker than any other creature. However, Marty may skew the statistics on this one. He is still asleep!

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