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Safety Tips for Pets During Menacing Acts of Nature

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Party Marty back on the scene: I may give the impression that I am a laid-back, go-with-the-flow kind of cat with barely a care, and I am, but my heart goes out this week to the victims of Hurricane Sandy…not just the people but the pets, too. Imagine how frightening it has all been for them!

If you live in a hurricane area, here are a few pet safety tips to keep in mind as disastrous weather threatens. These are good tips to have no matter where you live, actually, as the weather is a highly unpredictable mistress of misfortune many times.

1.)    Don’t leave your pets at home. If you are planning to go to a Red Cross Shelter or hotel, know in advance which facilities will take pets.  Other options include a veterinary clinic or animal control shelter or even a pet shelter.

2.)    Keep a current photo of your pet in case you and he/she are separated during a storm. ID in the form of a collar is crucial, too, and will make it easier to locate your pet if he/she gets lost.

3.)    Consider using a leash or a pet carrier during the storm as a means of transporting them to ensure your pet does not get loose and wander off.

4.)    Calm and comfort your pet inside far in advance of the storm.

5.)    Pack five to seven days of pet food and water along with litter trays, litter and trash bags. Have a pet first aid kit handy, too and remember any of their medications. If you are going to an animal shelter, be sure to have your pet’s rabies tags and up-to-date immunization records, as well as all supplies labeled.

Be safe! I want you to pause for a few minutes now and say a silent prayer for the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Thanks to and the ASPCA for these helpful tips.


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