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Safe Thanksgiving Leftovers Treat Menu for Your Pet

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Jessie, the blogging dog: So…you’ve feasted. You’ve wined and you’ve dined. Your stomach is bloated and your fridge is bursting with leftovers. You’ve eaten so much you won’t be hungry again until the year after next. So, now that you have all of those Thanksgiving Day leftovers, what can you safely feed your pet? We will be happy to help you get rid of some of the excess!

We recently posted the holiday foods that can be harmful to your pet; here is a short list of yummies you can safely share with your pet! However, remember that moderation is the key. You may have over-indulged, but your pet does not have to do so!

  • White meat turkey – a little piece without skin or bone is tasty!
  • Canned pumpkin – not the pie filling kind – is also a great digestive aid!
  • Raw veggies – but avoid any butter or sauce on them!
  • Sliced fruits – apples are great!

Again, moderation is important, as any change in your pet’s regular diet can cause intestinal distress. The best treat of all, however, is just loving us and cuddling with us! We can never get too much of that!

Thanks to for this helpful information.



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