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Put An End to Animal Cruelty!

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The Spirit of Bo, returning from Pet Heaven to enlighten and educate:  Being a wise and tenured cat, I have a lot of wisdom to dispense, and today I want to touch upon something near and dear to my heart. (Don’t worry – you can indulge in the antics of Party Marty later in the week!)  I have a heart of compassion for all animals, as I am sure you, our faithful readers, do. Pets bring so much joy and love to our lives, but there are some humans who do not share in that same affection.

In this season of love, peace and joy, it saddens me that we still hear stories about animal abuse, which is a year-round problem.  My heart goes out to the helpless victims. However, there are ways you can help. I read an article on which set forth a few productive ways to help fight against animal cruelty.  Please read on to see what you can do to put an end to this problem.

First of all, become familiar with the animals in your neighborhood and be on the lookout for any signs of abuse – missing patches of hair, wounds, mange or being left out in the elements with no food, water or shelter.  You can report any suspected animal abuse to the appropriate authorities, but bear in mind cities and states may have different rules with respect to these matters.

If you want to help fight against animal abuse, take an active role by raising funds for rescue groups. Or, just make a private donation directly.  Also consider holding a drive for food and bedding at your place of work or at your school.

Be sure to talk to your kids about animal abuse. Educate them and discuss ways to end it. Let them continue this legacy as they get older.

Be aware, however, that some animal cruelty cases slip through the judicial cracks, mainly because some jurisdictions just don’t have the funds to dedicate to these matters. However, do not be afraid to let your voice be heard in an effort to stop cases of animal cruelty.  These crimes should be prosecuted! No animal deserves lack of love, care and affection.

Please go hug your pet now and spread the love, not the hate.

Photo credit: Sad Husky via photopin (license)


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