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Pet Owner New Year’s Resolutions

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The Spirit of Bo, returning in my heavenly feline form to spread great information to our faithful readers:  The New Year is nearly upon us.  We will soon usher in 2016 and with that comes amazing opportunities for personal growth and change. Like most people, I am sure you have at least thought about potential New Year’s resolutions, and, like most people, I bet those are all but abandoned come February, if not sooner.

However, just as it is important for you to set goals and chart a new and positive course in your life, the same applies to your pet.  So, here are a few ideas to ponder for implementation in the New Year for a happy, healthier and brighter year for your pet…and for you, too!

  • When feeding your pet, be sure to measure his food each and every time. Get in the habit of feeding him proper amounts so he does not over indulge in unnecessary calories.
  • Choose an age-appropriate diet. Growing pets have different nutrient requirements than older ones, and it is important to choose a diet specifically tailored to your pets’ life stage to keep him in tip top shape.
  • Try a new activity with your pet, like doga (dogs and yoga) or going on a daily walk. It’s a fun way to bond and will get you both out of the house and on the move.
  • Incorporate more play time into your daily routine with your pet.  Just a few minutes a day can add fun activity to your pet’s life while at the same time reducing the stress load you might have.
  • Commit to taking your pet to the veterinarian for his annual check-up. Prevention and maintenance are key when it comes to optimal health.
  • Groom your pet regularly. Not only does this keep his coat healthy and shiny, but it also shows him that you love him.
  • Brush up on your pet’s oral hygiene.  Be sure to use a toothpaste meant for pets and also incorporate regular cleanings by a licensed veterinarian into the schedule.  Healthy teeth are a vital part of your pet’s overall being.

Well, that should be enough for you for now. I don’t want to overwhelm you, but even if you just attack a couple of these initially, you and your pet will be well on your way to an amazing year in 2016!  You can thank me later!  (For now, I will thank for this great information!)



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