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Moving with Pets: How to Make the Experience as Easy and Stress-free as Possible

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Party Marty here! I am one crazy cat that you cannot resist! Yeah, I bet you thought I flew the coop! No such luck! I just had some serious rest and relaxation on which to catch up and am finally getting around to do nothing now. In fact, I have so much nothing to do, that I might not get it all done today and will have to continue my work tomorrow.

As summer is winding down, I got to thinking about all the changes that happen in our lives, and one of the biggest changes is moving. I know that many people move during the summer months prior to the start of a new school year. Moving is stressful for humans, but it can also make your pet anxiety-ridden. So, what is a responsible and loving pet owner to do? Thanks to, I gathered some great information. If you are having a “moving” experience this summer, then I hope this helps.

When you move, you want to make sure it is not only as easy as possible for you, but also for your pets. Before you decide on that dream home, however, make sure your pet likes it, too. Take a walk around the neighborhood to see if the area seems safe. Be on the alert for any aggressive or unattended neighborhood dogs. (Of course, also keep an eye out for any cool cats! We need more of those!)

As for square footage needs, this differs between cats and dogs. Cats need plenty of space to maneuver vertically. With the right shelving, they can be easily entertained and feel right at home. Older dogs and puppies require more visits to the yard to go potty, so an upstairs apartment or a house without a yard might not be your best bet.

Cats hate change! (Trust me…I don’t even like changing my mind or my attitude!) Help your cats and skittish dogs adjust to moving by bringing boxes into your current residence early. Be sure to keep your furry friend in a familiar room that you plan to pack up last. On moving day, secure your pets in a quiet room with the door shut, or better yet…at a friend’s house. That way, they won’t attempt to escape if they get scared from all of the activity going on in your home.

Pets don’t typically spend a lot of time in the car. In the weeks leading up to the big move, acclimate your pets to their crates. Do this initially by placing food inside and open crate and eventually have your pets eat their meals in the crate with the door shut. Consider going on a short drive with your pet in the crate in the car. Then, to foster a positive experience, give them a treat or some extra playtime afterwards!

After you arrive at your new place, your pet may be tempted to explore. However, it can be overwhelming at first. Let them start by adjusting to one new room and put a water bowl and some favorite toys in that room, as well as the litter box for cats.

The key is to give your pets time to adjust in a positive and fun environment. If you are lucky, they just might sleep through the whole thing. I know I would! Yawn! Back to work now…my bed is calling me!




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