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Let’s Celebrate! It’s Bulldogs are Beautiful Day!

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English Bulldog

Bolt, the Yorkie-Poo guest blogger:

Hey! It’s Tuesday! Do you know what that means? No? Neither do I. Heck! I don’t even know why I am here. Let me check my notes….oh, yeah…I am here to dish on Yorkie-Poos are Beautiful Day! Yes! Now I remember. What? Wait? I think I misunderstood the topic. I was so ready to brag about myself but now it appears I have to switch gears! Today is Bulldogs are Beautiful Day! It figures…give the spotlight to these mighty dogs while leaving cute little critters like me in the dust!

However, I can admit that I have never met a Bulldog I didn’t like. Well, to be honest, I have never even met a Bulldog, but I did some research and found out they are pretty cool pooches. I mean, once you get past that gruff and rugged exterior, you realize they are pretty much all heart. According to the American Kennel Club, Bulldogs were the fifth most popular breed in the United States in 2013. It’s easy to see why.

Physically, they present as muscular and heavy with wrinkled faces and pushed-in noses…something only a mother could love, right? Or, in this case…an owner! But they are also known for their kind and courageous demeanor (not to be confused with vicious or aggressive) and they are quite peaceful, dignified, friendly and patient. They make great family pets and love kids. OMG! I think I want to be a Bulldog when I grow up! (And for the record, the Bulldog is usually referred to as the English or British Bulldog, but there is also the American Bulldog, the Old English Bulldog and the French Bulldog.)

And this breed has never slipped under the radar. A plethora of celebrities have or have had Bulldogs, including the late Shirley Temple, actors Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling and Adam Sandler; singers Chris Brown and Pink; and Olympic athlete Michael Phelps. Some of these dogs have even gone on to the big screen, seen in such movies as Little Nicky and Leatherheads. Celebrity Ashlee Simpson even had her Bulldog perform the duties of ring bearer in her wedding!

No wonder there is a dedicated day to celebrate Bulldogs! They are amazing creatures. I think I better go practice making my Bulldog face in the mirror and then I will perfect that stocky stance for which they are known. Who knows? Maybe I will get cast in a Hollywood movie??? In the right lighting and with computer-aided graphics, I could probably pull it off! Is there such a thing as a Yorkie-Poo Bulldog?



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