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It’s National Walk And Roll Dog Day

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Today it’s time to honor those dogs that need a little help to stay mobile.  National Walk and Roll Dog Day  was founded in 2012 by Barbara Techel, an author and advocate for dogs in wheelchairs.  Her dachshund Frankie was the inspiration for the observance.

Barbara witnessed first hand from Frankie who became paralyzed after a fall and diagnoses of Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD), that dogs in wheelchairs can live happy, long, quality lives if given a chance. In Frankie’s memory Barbara founded this day to continue to bring positive awareness to all dogs in wheelchairs.

The Frankie Wheelchair Fund began as a memorial after Frankie’s passing. Initially, a total of $2,700 in memorial funds were able to help six dogs who may not have otherwise been able to get wheelchairs.

To date the fund has granted 30 wheelchairs to paralyzed dogs in need. This effort has been through yearly fundraisers and the many people who support the Fund via monetary donation.

An online store with items for sale also helps support the Fund’s efforts.  Please note, contributions are not tax-deductible as the Fund is not a non-profit but you will receive a grateful letter of thanks.

Before considering a wheelchair for your pet, visit Dodgerslist for advice in caring for your IVDD dog.  It is highly recommended that dogs diagnosed with IVDD have 6-8 weeks strict crate rest before considering being fitted for a wheelchair.

Although Frankie has passed away, her legacy lives on in this annual celebration.  Check out this video to learn more about Frankie’s story.  If you’d like more information on the Frankie Wheelchair Fund, go to



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