Housetraining Your Dog…Again
Posted on April 10, 2014 by joyofliving No comments

Has your adult dog started using your house for a toilet again? Maybe your dog just has an occasional accident as some people say, every now and then. If so, it may be time to take a step back and return to the basics.
Returning to the basics means going back to training your adult dog as you did when he was a pup. The best way to do that is by using the crate. By using the crate you are teaching your dog that he can hold it until time to go outside.
The crate for your dog should be big enough so he stand up, turn around and lay down. It should not be big enough that he can invite friends over for a party. We want the crate small enough so that he learns if he has an accident he’s going to have to lay in it. With most dogs Mother Nature has a way of telling them to hold it.
To make the retraining work properly there are three places that your dog should be at all times for a four-week period.
The first place your dog needs to be is in the crate. By being in the crate he learns that he can hold it.
The second-place your dog can be is on the grass. Being on the grass ís where we want him to do his business and we want him to develop that as his preference. So actually the more time your dog can be on the grass the better during this four-week training period.
The third-place your dog can be is with you. Attach a leash to your dog and then attach it to your belt wherever you go. The dog goes with you so he ís less likely to have an accident right in front of you.
The simplest way to teach the dog how to let you know when he needs to go to the bathroom and the simplest way is by using a bell. During the four weeks of training each time you want to take your dog for a potty break, take him with his leash over to the bell, lift his paw and hit the bell. Then immediately open the door. Your dog learns that the noise from the bell makes the door open. It usually takes anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks for your dog to catch on to using a bell.