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Here’s to Our “Paws” on Father’s Day! Man’s Best Friend May Reveal a Lot about Your Dad!

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Jessie, truly one of Man’s Best Friends, here to wish all of you a Happy Friday, and to all the dads out there, a Happy Father’s Day weekend!  In honor of all the dads out there, I decided to showcase a few breeds and fill you in on what a man’s dog might say about the kind of man he is.  Sure, we all love our dads for one reason or another, but take a look at the dog he owns, and that may tell you something even more meaningful about the guy.

For instance, if your dad owns a Jack Russell Terrier, he may be far from a couch potato and always ready to take on the day. He is high on life!

If he owns a Labrador Retriever, he is probably the All-American, next door kind of man whom you might find tossing the ball around in the back yard with his four-legged buddy.

A man who owns a Beagle is probably someone who is easy going and has a sweet demeanor.

And even though a Chihuahua is dainty in size, it only suggests that the man who owns this dog is truly confident in his manhood.

The Collie-loving guy most likely mirrors this breed’s confidence and discipline levels while a man who adores Pugs is most likely one who can see past flaws. He is solid and secure on the outside but all mush on the inside.

And what about a man who has a Poodle for a sidekick? Sure, this breed is usually all fluffy and styled. That might suggest a neat and fastidious demeanor in the man, but more than likely, the poor guy is suffering from allergies as this breed is the most hypoallergenic of all.

No matter what kind of dog your dad prefers, we know that as long as he loves dogs, he is all heart!

Be sure to get a Father’s Day card for your dad not only from you, but also from your dog! Trust me…he will appreciate it!

Thanks to for sharing this information!


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