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Dogs Going Potty Inside…on Purpose? It Could Happen! Cold, Wet Weather Potty Tips!

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Bolt, the Yorkie-Poo guest blogger: Baby, it’s cold outside! And when the ol’ Polar Vortex has you in its death grip, the last thing you want to do is go outside and take care of business. Yes, I must confess…. I did not like the feel of the snow and ice on my paws, and even though it just takes me a few seconds to do my thing outside, I chose to do so inside. I am sorry. I am not a bad dog. I just didn’t want to go outside AT ALL!  I mean…. you humans don’t have to, so why should I?  That got me to thinking…. are there ways that dogs can go potty inside and have all the creature comforts of that part of life like cats do? Well, I did some research online and found a fun and interesting article on and was excited. I just have to share this with everyone…especially with my human!  Check this out! There are some inventive solutions to our desire to steer clear of frigid and wet weather when it comes time to use the bathroom.

Have some pee pads on hand at home. Place a pad on flooring that is easy to clean and bring your dog to the pad and tell him to “go potty,” or use whatever words you use for that command. You can purchase such pads at pet stores and these have an attractant that appeals to dogs. They also absorb urine and can be easily discarded.

Consider placing several newspapers on the floor or line a tray with artificial or real grass (my favorite idea!). And, if you have a small dog or puppy, he or she can be trained to use a litter box. Just make sure it does not belong to the cat!

If none of these ideas appeal to you and you would rather have your dog take care of his or her business outside, then consider putting a coat and shoes on him or her before going outside. You do this! Why can’t we? Just sayin’… By doing so, you keep our paws clean and dry and our fur just the same.  Less clean up for you, right

Another great idea is to make a backyard potty spot that is covered in some manner. Make it right outside the door. Border off a small area of the yard with garden timbers and teach him or her that this is the area to take care of all things potty.

If none of these ideas are appealing to you, well, you and Fido are on your own!  Just find a way to teach your pet to go potty on command so you and your furry, four-legged companion can be back inside in no time!

As for my little accidents, well, I vow to be a better dog. However, I really hate the cold, wet weather! Some times, no matter how much my human makes it easy for me, I just refuse to go potty outside. Hmmmm…. maybe I need diapers!



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