Changes Coming For Westminster Dog Show
Posted on February 6, 2014 by joyofliving No comments

When the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show begins on Monday, February 10, there will be some changes.
Three new breeds will be introduced: The Rat Terrier will be competing in the Terrier Group; the Portuguese Podengo Pequeno in the Hound Group; and the Chinook in the Working Group.
Judges will once again be able to select Award of Merit winners during breed competitions. These awards are given to dogs that weren’t chosen as best in their breed, but stood out to the judges and worthy of being recognized.
For those attending the show in person, more seating will be available in the breed judging area. Big screen TV’s will be at each breed ring, in addition to monitors in food areas so attendees won’t miss any of the action.
A Westminster phone app will be available in the Apple App Store and Google Play. The show will be live streamed, available for viewing at Live TV coverage for the Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding groups will be Monday night, February 10th from 8-11 p.m. Eastern Time on CNBC. Coverage (live) for the Sporting, Working and Terrier Groups, along with Best In Show will be Tuesday night, February 11 from 8-11 p.m. Eastern Time on USA Network.
Tune in and root for your favorite breed!