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Backyard Dangers And Your Dog

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Indoor Outdoor Dogs

With weather finally starting to improve, our dogs will be spending more time in the backyard. If fenced, the yard can be a great place for your dog to play, but there are potential dangers, too.  Some hazards to be aware of include poisonous plants, choking dangers and a fence that isn’t adequate.

Take a look at your backyard fencing system. Is it adequate or can your dog  jump or climb over your fence? Not being able to keep your dog confined in the backyard can be very dangerous.  Dogs that get out of the yard have a tremendous chance of being run over by a car, are wondering off and getting lost.

If you have a small dog a 4 foot fence is probably very adequate. If you have a larger dog or a dog that likes to climb fences a 6 foot fence is much more of a necessity.

So what about the underground invisible type fences? If installed correctly and maintained when necessary these fences are very adequate to keep your dog contained. Keep in mind that although the invisible fence keeps your dog confined, it doesn’t keep other dogs or other animals such as foxes or coyotes from entering your yard and attacking your dog.

Be aware of choking dangers that can be found in your backyard. Quite often the real choking danger can be in something as simple as a tennis ball. They can be popped easily and then the dog tears off a piece, and chokes on it. If your dog likes to pick up rocks and chews on them it could possibly swallow one of those rocks and choke on it as well. Check for anything that your dog could possibly chew on, break off a piece, and cause a choking problem.

Another backyard danger for your dog are plants used in for landscaping. A few examples of plants hazardous to dogs are:

  • Wild mushrooms
  • Lilies, some varieties
  • Sago palms
  • Azaleas
  • Daffodils

To see more hazardous plants, go to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control site:

Stay safe and enjoy the spring with your dog!




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