Author Archive: Joy of Living

Congratulations, Uggie!
Jessie, the dog worthy of winning awards, here to dish on the latest in Hollywood: Oh, my! My heart is pounding. Did you watch the Oscars last night? Was he just incredibly handsome or what? Uggie rules! In case you have been living in a cave or under a rock, Uggie was the scene-stealing dog […]
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Guest Post: House For Sale, Pets Not Included
In this post, Melinda Bartling, realtor with Keller-Williams, gives some tips on what to do with your pets when trying to sell your home. Pets can be a dilemma when selling your home. Approximately 63% of the population owns a pet, but the 37% that don’t own a pet oftentimes won’t buy a house that […]
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Movie Cats
There’s been a lot of focus on Uggie, canine star of the Oscar-nominated film The Artist. Quite a few cats have graced the big screen too. Check these out: Spot the Cat was featured in Star Trek movie Generations Solomon the Cat starred in two James Bond movies, You Only Live Twice and Diamonds are […]
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Mom, I’m Bored!
To keep your indoor cat from getting into trouble out of boredom, there are some things you can do to keep him occupied. Indoor cats adore looking out a window! Make it enjoyable for your cat by placing a bird feeder within view of his favorite window. Your cat can sit by the window and […]
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Presidential Dogs
The Spirit of Bo here: Hi! I have come back to do what I do best – poke fun of dogs! Hey! I don’t just come around every day anymore, so when I do, let me have my fun! If cats really do have nine lives, then I am living it up in Cat Heaven. […]
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Collar That Cat!
When shopping for a cat collar, those with either buckled or snap-together closures are perfect choices. Test the snap-together ones to make sure the hold is strong. Also make sure it has a quick-release feature in case your cat gets stuck on something. You will also need to find one that adjusts as your cat […]
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Funny Pet Video of the Week
It’s resident blogger “Party” Mary going more than a little crazy trying to catch the mouse inside the iPad.
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Dealing with a Deaf Dog
Jessie, in tune with all issues related to dogs: I am a grateful dog. I have my health, my friends, the love of my human, and my hearing. Although on some days, I wish I could just tune out Party Marty. He gets to be a bit much! While my heart goes out to those […]
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Hail To the Chief!
This President’s Day, I thought it would be fun to share some Presidential pet facts: John Quincy Adams’ pet of choice was silkworms. Theodore Roosevelt ‘s Bull Terrier Pete almost caused an international scandal when he ripped the pants off the French Ambassador, Jules Jusserand. Woodrow Wilson’s tobacco-chewing ram Old Ike was one of the […]
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Bolt, Yorkie-Poo guest columnist: Hey! I finally had my teeth cleaned the other day. My vet strongly recommends this, especially for us smaller breeds, as we tend to have more problems with our teeth and gums. I am here to tell you from first-hand experience that it was easy and that I feel great! Now, […]
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