Author Archive: Joy of Living

The Break-Up: Who Gets The Pets?
When couples split, custody of family pets is becoming an increasingly larger issue. Although these cases can be quite heated, the parties involved are usually genuinely concerned about the welfare of the pet. Points to consider when deciding custody include: Age of the pet (Does it make sense to uproot the animal and force them […]
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Funny Pet Video of the Week
In this video, Sparky the Corgi is doing a mad dance for the kibble. Check this out…….
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Do You Allow Your Pet to Sleep in Bed with You? It Might Not Be a Good Idea!
Bolt, the Yorkie-Poo guest blogger: When my humans tell me, “It’s time to go night-night,” I know exactly what that means, so I dash up the long, winding staircase and race down the hall to the last bedroom and hop upon my big fluffy pillow. If the other dog in the house is lucky, I’ll […]
Continue ReadingSurfing the Counter Instead of the Waves
Coconut, pictured here, is a notorious counter surfer. So much so that a couple of weeks ago she grabbed an asthma inhaler from the counter and went on to eat it! That near-death experience hasn’t dampened her surfing habit, though. Why do some dogs like to counter surf? Researchers at Hood College actually did a […]
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Pets and the Elderly Make A Winning Team
Dogs provide great benefits for seniors. Here are some ways in which pets provide health benefits to the elderly: Reduce blood pressure Reduce cholesterol levels Enhance social activities. (Grandpa can go to the dog park and pick up some cute Grandma!) Ease the pain when a loved one dies Provide affection and unconditional love Encourage […]
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Tama: The Cat That Helped Turn A Town Around
Tama the Cat helped turn a Japanese town around. See her story…
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Do You Live in a Dog-Friendly Town?
Jessie, the blogging dog at it again! Yeah! It’s Friday! The weather in Kansas City is sunny and warm…a perfect day for lounging by the window. I love my home! I love my town! If you are a dog-owner, you are probably grateful for all the things your city provides you in terms of pet-friendly […]
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Funny Pet Video of the Week
Simon’s Cat is at it again…….check him out in the latest “Shelf Life”
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I’ve Got Soap in My Eyes Again!
Bolt, three-year-old Yorkie-Poo guest blogger: Ugh..what a way to start the day. Just when I thought I could kick back and lounge in the sun, my human came to get me and took me to…are you ready for this?…the dreaded SHOWER! I know, I know…I admit…I feel great afterwards, but the actual process of getting […]
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Is Your Pet Into Working Out?
Pets require a regular fitness regimen to keep them on the road to good health, so make an appointment with your pet’s health. Experts tend to agree that 30 minutes a day, four times a week, is enough exercise for a dog. However, just like it is for humans, a daily workout would be better. […]
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