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At Los Angeles International Airport, These Dogs Will Keep You Grounded, But in a Good Way!

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Jessie, the compassionate dog with a wonderful story to tell this bright and sunny Friday:

Do you ever travel to and from Los Angeles via the friendly skies?  Well, a new program went into effect at LAX this week, and before your thoughts turn to more body scanners and invasive cavity searches, think again….think positively.  Therapy dogs were introduced on the scene!

Everyone knows that dogs, man’s best friend, are very beneficial to one’s emotional well being, and the Los Angeles International Airport has begun to use therapy dogs to assist travelers. These dogs essentially bring joy to everyone at the airport.

Let’s face it. Flying is a stressful activity, sometimes full of anxiety and frustration. As such, PUP was established, which stands for Pets Unstressing Passengers. This program brings trained dogs around busy areas in the airport to encourage travelers to relax and enjoy the moment. Whether at the boarding gates, baggage claim or ticket lobbies, passengers have the opportunity to meet and greet the dogs, which are overseen by volunteers.

Almost immediately, the stress level of the passengers drops. Smiles emerge and people begin to interact with each other in a positive way.

I have been preaching this for years.  The mere presence of a lovable and friendly dog is the best therapy around. And we all know that many people who travel and deal with all of the inherent frustrations with that can use some mental relief.

Thanks to for sharing this information.



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