More Singles Becoming Pet Owners
Posted on April 18, 2013 by Joy of Living No comments

Much has been written about the benefits of pet ownership, and as a recent American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) shows, more singles are finding the benefits of becoming pet owners.
According to the survey, pet ownership among singles rose an amazing 16.6% from 2006 to 2011. Although traditionally more families are pet owners, the increase in pets during the same time period rose only 1.37%. Here are some other interesting statistics:
- Between 2006 and 2011, pet ownership among divorced, widowed and separated adults grew by 17.7 percent, from 51.3 to 60.4 percent
- During this period, the number of single men living alone with pets increased by 27.7 percent, from 34.3 to 43.8 percent, and
- The number of single women living alone with pets increased by 22 percent, from 46.8 to 57.1 percent
Not only do pets help humans feel better physically and mentally, they also provide a variety of social interactions for their people. There are a number of Meetup groups focused on pet owners, some even on specific dog breeds.
Many areas have a dog-themed events, with some benefitting local animal shelters and rescues. The dog park provides opportunity to meet many other pet owners out with their fur kids, and there are even dating sites dedicated to pet owners such as
So, if you’re single, consider getting out to mingle with your pet!