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5 Facts About Cinco de Mayo

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Cinco de Mayo has become a day for parties here in the U.S., but here are some facts you may not know.  Check these out:Conco de Mayo

  • The holiday celebrates an unexpected victory. The holiday actually celebrates the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The Mexican army won the battle despite being smaller and ill-equipped.  Celebrate the underdog!
  • Cinco de Mayo is a bigger deal in the United States. In Mexico, the day is observed with political speeches and battle reenactments. Many of the actual celebration and battle re-enactment take place in Puebla.
  • The world’s largest Cinco de Mayo celebration takes place in Los Angeles. This year’s Festival de Fiesta Broadway is expected to draw 300,000 people. Cities like New York City, Denver and Houston also throw large parties in honor of the day.
  • Cinco de Mayo IS NOT Mexico’s Independence Day. Most Americans confuse this holiday with Mexico’s Independence Day, but that date is Sept. 16.
  • Americans consume up to 81 million avocados on Cinco de Mayo, the California Avocado Commission reports. Avocados are a primary ingredient in guacamole, a popular Mexican dish.




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