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Think Twice Before Giving a Pet as Gift

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Jessie, the sweet, adorable, and sensitive dog, always in the holiday spirit, is here to share some season’s greetings and gift-giving insights for the pet lover today:

Thinking of giving a pet to someone this holiday season?  While your heart may be in the right place, giving someone a pet as a gift is not such a great idea!  For starters, you just never know IF someone really wants a pet and, if he or she does, exactly what kind of pet is desired.  Plus, you can’t just give someone a new pet and expect it to fit right into the new home environment right away.  You may not be aware of any allergies certain family members might have or if their lifestyle is compatible with the breed of cat or dog you may be giving them. Plus, introducing a new pet to the family during this stressful time of year can really stress out that special dog or cat, too!

So, in the spirit of maintaining the excitement of pet lovers everywhere who wish to spread the joy of pet ownership to others, here are a couple of alternative ideas that can still make this holiday season a joyous one:

1.)    Instead of buying someone a cat or a dog for the holidays, give him or her a gift certificate for one, from you, so that he or she can go out at a convenient time (preferably AFTER the busy holiday season!) and make a selection.  Encourage that person to go to a local shelter or rescue to find that perfect companion.

2.)    If someone you know loves animals but is not in a position to own a pet, why not make a donation to a local pet shelter or rescue in that person’s name?  Shelters can always use monetary donations, cleaning supplies, pet food, etc.

(P.S. – If you are seriously looking for a cat, I know where you can get one.  Contact me  and we’ll talk!  He’s asleep right now, so the timing could not be better!)


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