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Helping “Flat-Faced” Dog Breeds Enjoy Summer

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Summer is the time to get out and about with your dog, but for brachycephalic or “flat-faced” breeds like pugs or bulldogs, the warmer weather can pose serious health risks.  Here are some ways to help your dog through the warm weather and still have fun:

  • Walk your dog in the early morning and evening when the temperatures are lower
  • Never leave your dog in the car unattended.  Dogs can suffocate in a matter of minutes in hot weather
  • Keep your dog at a healthy weight
  • Use a halter rather than a collar to attach leash
  • On extremely hot days, take short walks so you can get home easily if you need to
  • Don’t overexercise your dog or get them too excited or stressed.

If you sense your dog is overheated, get him to a shady spot if outside, or to a cool place in the house such as the basement that has cool floors he can lay on.  Put cool wet towels on him to get body heat down.  Once stabilized, take him to the vet to be checked for any lingering problems.


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