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Things To Consider When Picking A Veterinarian

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One of the most important decisions you can make as a pet owner is choosing where to take your pet for medical care. A lot of people think that most veterinary hospitals are pretty much same. They’re not!

It IS important to feel comfortable with your pet’s veterinarian. However, what may be even more important is the hospital staff. Do they employ licensed or certified veterinary technicians? These individuals, much like registered nurses, will be working with your pet the most so they should be knowledgeable and professionally trained.

Many veterinary hospitals offer late office hours. Some offer 24-hour care and emergency services on-site while others will refer you elsewhere, even during regular business hours. Ask about emergency services when seeking out an animal hospital so you can be prepared in case something unexpected happens.

If there is only one doctor on staff office hours may be limited. However, many people appreciate the intimacy a one-doctor hospital can offer. You also know that when something goes wrong with your pet you will always see the same doctor.

When investigating multi-doctor practices find out if any of the veterinarians have any special interests. A lot of general practice vets study a specific area of medicine like orthopedics, dermatology, behavior, or acupuncture, but may not actually have a  “speciality” accreditation for that discipline.

Another way to learn about veterinary hospitals in your area is to ask friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Have they had any good or bad experiences that they can think of? Look for a veterinary hospital that has established long-term staff. You and your pet will appreciate dealing with the same people year after year.

Be sure to visit any hospital you plan on taking your pet to in person. Observe how the staff interacts with the clients and pets. Ask to be taken on a tour and request a list of prices and brochures to take home. You can often get a good or bad feeling just by spending a few minutes in the lobby. And don’t be afraid to ask questions!


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