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The Right Good-bye

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RileyA couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post saying good-bye to Riley, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who along with his brother Dillon had been nicknamed the “fur boys” some time back.

Dillon passed away last year and Riley’s health had been tentative since, with a diagnosis from the doctor that his kidneys were failing.

After getting this news, his mom made the very difficult decision a couple of weeks ago to help Riley cross the Rainbow Bridge.  The two were very close, and something about the decision didn’t feel right to RIley’s mom.

After pondering for some time, and observing Riley to gauge his quality of life, his mom decided not to keep the appointment for Riley’s last vet visit.  Riley seemed to be doing better, and loved spending time with his family, giving and receiving love from them.

It wasn’t an easy time, his family had to monitor him and provide the care that comes with failing health, but Riley seemed to appreciate it, making it all worthwhile.

Yesterday, I received word from his  mom that Riley had passed away naturally while in her arms.  I cried for the loss of Riley, but then smiled, knowing that he was able to spend his last days the way he wanted, able to say the right good-bye

This isn’t the right decision for everyone, but for Riley and his mom, it was.

Take care Riley, I will miss you!


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