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Stop Doing These Things at Your Vet’s Office!

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Hey, hey! Party Marty here! TGIF! That means I have an entire weekend to do as I please, which roughly translates into (cat!) napping, lounging and sleeping! However, before I dive into my work (and onto my pillow!), I want to share with you an interesting topic I discovered while surfing the Internet.

To jumpstart the blog post, I have a question for you: Do you drive your veterinarian crazy? You might think you don’t, but I bet you just might be able to identify with one (or more!) of these behavioral quirks that your vet loathes!

Do you answer or use your cell phone while at the veterinarian’s office? Please don’t. That’s just as rude as using it at the dinner table or on a date. You are there to communicate with the vet, not social media!

Do you bring your young, uncontrollable kids to the vet’s? Sure, vets understand that in an emergency, this might be necessary, but for a routine visit, please find suitable childcare, as having young kids there can be a distraction. Older kids who can remain calm and quiet are fine.

Do you let your dog run all over the place? Please keep him on a leash, and if you use a retractable one, lock it in the shortest position possible. You don’t want to have your dog take out someone in the waiting room.

Do you carry your cat to the vet’s office? That is just temptation to those aforementioned unruly dogs. Cats are far more comfortable when transported in a cat carrier, especially when in an uncertain environment.

Do you disagree with your vet? Are you in denial about your dog’s health issues? (“He’s not fat. He’s just fluffy!”). Vets are trained to help you and your pet. Be open to discussing your pet’s health with them.

Do you refuse to pay or pay late? Understand that your veterinarian loves his work, but he also should be compensated for it. What if you never got paid for your work? Understand the payment policies and stick to them!

Do you follow-through on your vet’s orders and recommendations? If you cannot or will not, please be open with your vet. Remember, he is there to help you and you should have no shame reflex in admitting you cannot do something for your pet that he might recommend or suggest. This is a team effort here, folks!

Enough said. It’s Friday. I don’t want to waste another minute of my naptime!

Thanks to for this insightful information!


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