Seeing Pit Bulls In A Different Light
Posted on July 20, 2012 by Joy of Living No comments

Much was written about pit bulls after last week’s story of Lennox, the pit bull/Lab mix euthanized in Belfast, Ireland. Many cities and states have breed-specific legislation prohibiting pit bull ownership because they are deemed dangerous. I won’t get on my soapbox again about the issue of BSL, but I wanted to share some facts you may not know about pit bulls.
- Pit bulls are often used as bomb and drug sniffing dogs
- The largest drug bust in DEA history (3000 lbs. of cocaine) was made with the help of Popsicle, a pit bull. Popsicle was found abandoned in an empty freezer and after being rescued was trained to become a drug sniffing dog
- Another rescued Pit Bull, Dakota, helped search for remains after the space shuttle Columbia explosion
- Pit Bulls are used as therapy dogs for the elderly and those that have suffered emotional trauma
- Pit Bulls have worked as service dogs for paraplegics
- The Pit Bull served as the U.S. mascot in both World War I and II
- The dog featured in the Buster Brown shoe company logo is a Pit Bull
Maybe it’s worth reconsidering how dangerous the Pit Bull is and focus on the good things they can do.