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pit bull

Seeing Pit Bulls In A Different Light

Seeing Pit Bulls In A Different Light


Much was written about pit bulls after last week’s story of Lennox, the pit bull/Lab mix euthanized in Belfast, Ireland.  Many cities and states have breed-specific legislation prohibiting pit bull ownership because they are deemed dangerous.  I won’t get on my soapbox again about the issue of BSL, but I wanted to share some facts […]

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  July 20, 2012   No comments

Lennox: The Sadness That Is BSL


Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) has claimed the life of another, Lennox, a pit bull type dog in Belfast Ireland.  Lennox was seized two years ago from a home that loved and cared for him because he looked like a pit bull dog. The laws in the area prohibited pit bulls, and because Lennox had that […]

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  July 11, 2012   No comments