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Memorial For Pets Loved, Lost But Not Forgotten

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At the end of every year, I reflect on the changes that happened, which includes new pet friends I’ve made and lost that have passed away.  This year was especially hard, having lost a pet member of my family in addition to other pet friends.

Following are some thoughts regarding the pet friends and family that passed away in 2015:


Bean was already a senior boy when I met him, but he still had the desire to play and loved his treats! When I visited him and his doggy sister Phi, he always greeted me with a smile.  Although Phi was much younger, Bean would often outrun her to fetch a toy, or to be the first one in the door after playing outside.  He had a good sense of humor and liked to tease Phi whenever possible.

As age took its toll, it became very difficult for Bean to get up by himself and I would help him up so he could go outside for potty break.  It was easy to see he didn’t like needing help, but he knew it was the only way he could make it.  Together we did it, and he always seemed to appreciate my help.

Even in his final days, Bean loved his treats and that made me smile to know I gave him something he enjoyed.  Bean was a fun  loving boy that I miss greatly, but memories of him will stay with me always.


Where do I begin to talk about my lovely kitty friend Bradley?  I met Bradley through his dog siblings Cody and Bandit.  I was hired to walk the dogs during the week and I would often see Bradley around the house observing me.  Although standoffish in the beginning, over time Bradley became used to seeing me, eventually coming to greet me from time to time.

After about a year, it became a regular ritual for Bradley to greet me with a kitty head butt before and after walks with the dogs.  I spent a few minutes petting and talking with him, and as I left I would tell him to be sure to come out and say hi the next day.  I even nicknamed him the “B Hotness,” which he seemed to take to quite well.

When a couple of days passed and I didn’t see him, I became very worried and asked his guardians where he was.  Bradley had a bladder blockage, a potentially lethal condition for cats.  He had surgery and it seemed all was going to be ok.  Unfortunately, within a couple of months, the problem was back and this time was not able to be corrected, my dear friend was gone.

I still look for Bradley when I get to the house, expecting him to come over to head butt me or rub against my legs in typical Bradley fashion.  Time is helping the transition from sadness to a smile when remembering him.  He was a very special friend that I will always miss terribly, but he will always be with me, just in a little different form.


This is the hardest to write, since Jessie was a member of my family.  I first saw her profile on Petfinder in 2007, and adopted her in late November of that year.  She’d been in a puppy mill her entire life, giving birth to litters of puppies.  When I went to meet her, she was jumping up and down in her kennel as if to say “let’s get out of here, I’ve got so many things to do!”

Jessie was quite a force of nature, a dynamo in a very small package (5 pounds).  She loved to go for walks, especially in cold weather and loved to be my wing girl as we ran errands.  Her kitty brother Bo attempted on many occasions to make friends, but Jessie tended to be a bit of a diva and often ignored poor Bo’s efforts.

Unfortunately, her numerous launches off the couch led to a serious back injury and Jessie was lucky to still be able to walk afterward.  I had to curtail her couch time, and although she didn’t like it, she began to embrace her dog bed.

As Jessie aged she slowed down a bit, but never lost her zest for life, or meals and treats.  She had many dental problems having never received proper care prior to joining our family, as a result ending up with one tooth.  Being the fighter she was, Jessie still managed to eat her meals with gusto.

Jessie was 16 years old when she passed away.  I was happy to be able to give her the life she deserved after the terrible years in the puppy mill.  With all she endured, she was a happy little girl that wasn’t permanently damaged as so many puppy mill dogs can be.  I had so much respect for her, and was amazed at how she overcame any obstacle she encountered.

I miss her every day, but I know she is still with me, prodding me to get moving, I’ve got so many things to do!

Have a safe and prosperous 2016.  Please spend as much time as possible with your fur family members  in the days to come, because pets are always taken from us much too soon!


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