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Good-Bye To Three Great Girls

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Abigail aka “Ab Fab”


Every year I write a memorial post for clients that have passed away.  This year, we lost three great girls:  Abigail, Jasmine and Lucky.  Each one of these girls brought her own special magic to the world.

Abigail was a gentle easygoing girl.  She moved slowly, not finding a real necessity to be in a rush to get to the next place.  Nothing seemed to bother Abigail, even her kitty sister Audrey eating her food.  When Abigail’s guardian called to tell me Abigail had cancer, I was heartbroken.  Such a sweet soul did not deserve such a painful fate.

I was caring for Abigail in her last days and could tell she was suffering.  Her people were out of town and would not be back for several days.  I talked with Abigail and told her that her people would be home soon.  If she wanted to be there to see them, I would do everything  I could to help her.  Abigail made the decision to wait for them, passing away a couple of days after her people returned home.  I told her she was a warrior princess, and it was through her sheer determination that she hung on for her people.  She was a wonderful girl and I miss her very much!




Jasmine was quite the character!  Very smart, with a sense of humor, it was hard to predict what Jasmine would do next.  She had a very strong point of view, and knew what she wanted (usually a cookie snack!) .  Jasmine absolutely LOVED to play laser light and would go for hours if she could find a human willing to play it with her that long.

I showed Jasmine the finer points of the “find it” game.  Every time I took care of Jasmine, she was ready for “find it” immediately upon my arrival.  Although I worked to find harder places for her to find her treats, rarely was I able to stump Ms.  Jasmine.

Jasmine became ill with a tumor in the last year or so, and it caused many problems for her.  In typical canine fashion, though, Jasmine never let the tumor keep her down.  She did her best to live life to the fullest until the end.  I miss Jasmine very much!




Lucky was a strong-willed Corgi that was tons of fun.  In typical Corgi fashion, Lucky would try to herd anything and everything, from other animals to children heading to the bus stop.  She had a definite point of view, and would not hesitate to share it!  She loved to go for walks, and was the Queen of “Find It”. Although it would sometimes be months between pet sitting appointments with her, she knew when she saw me that “Find It’ was on the agenda.

Lucky was an expert at the “Find It” game, I can’t remember ever stumping her!  She loved hanging out, watching television and getting belly rubs.  When her guardian let me know Lucky passed away unexpectedly, I was heartbroken!  Lucky was a very special girl and is greatly missed!

I knew all three of these girls for several years, and it’s hard to say good-bye to such good friends.  Abigail, Jasmine and Lucky, you will be missed greatly by all of us that knew and loved you!




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